We need someone to organise a Beetle Drive (in which teams of people get together to compete to win a prize)
Drum up some support for the event/get a team together - to take place on 29th May at Beeston Library
Be the point of contact for the event, and person to buy tickets for the event from (tickets are £1 each) - try to sell some tickets for the event
Let the caterer know how many people have bought tickets and are attending
Be at the event to make sure it runs smoothly.
Expenses will be paid for by Holbeck Urban Village, and Leanne Buchan can support the person on the tasks above - but it should be pretty light work really.
We're looking for a really upbeat and confident person to take this on and be our Chief Beetle. The other Chief Beetles include Jeremy Morton of Hillside...
If anyone's interested, please let me know asap or they can contact Leanne direct ([email protected] Tel: 0113 220 6350
cheers, Fran
Fran Graham
Mob: 07815 790189